How to resolve when Windows 10 cannot be updated or updates fail

If Windows cannot be updated or does not proceed, the following may be the cause:

  • Not enough free space
  • Security software is affected
  • Peripheral devices are affecting
  • Old drivers or software are causing the problem.
  • There is a lot of update data
  • Past programs or unnecessary files are causing the problem.

This time, we will explain how to solve the problem when Windows cannot be updated due to the reasons mentioned above.

We will also explain the issue of not being able to update Windows Defender and Chrome, so please use this as a reference.

Causes and solutions for Windows 10 not being able to update/update

If Windows 10 cannot be updated, the following may be the cause:

  • If you don't have enough free space
  • If security software is affected
  • If peripheral devices are affected

If you don't have enough free space

If Windows 10 cannot be updated, there may be insufficient free space on the system drive.

In this case, you need to free up space on your drive by deleting unnecessary data.
Try deleting data in the trash or uninstalling/deleting unnecessary applications.

Alternatively, you can also move the data to a USB or D drive if you have one.

If security software is affected

If Windows 10 cannot be updated, security software may be causing the problem.

Especially if you are using security software other than Microsoft, it is possible that that software may be affecting your computer and preventing updates.

In such cases, the problem may be resolved by temporarily disabling or removing the security software.

If peripheral devices are affected

If Windows 10 cannot be updated, peripheral devices may be affected. This is a case where a peripheral device is connected and its driver is preventing the update.

In this case, the problem may be resolved by disconnecting as many connected peripherals as possible and then updating again.

Alternatively, it would be a good idea to first check to see if there are any updates to the peripheral device drivers, and if so, update them and then try updating Windows again.

Causes and solutions for Windows 10 updates (20h2/21h1) repeatedly failing

If you are using old versions of updatable software or drivers, Windows updates may fail.

This seems to be because older versions of drivers and software are not compatible with 20H2 etc.

For example, if you have an older version of Microsoft Edge, updating may resolve the issue.

If Windows Update displays ``An error has occurred'' and there is no change even after pressing the ``Retry'' button.

If Windows Update displays "An error has occurred" and selecting "Restart" does not work, restarting your PC may resolve the issue.

If the update does not work even after restarting the PC, another solution is to record the failed update (number starting with KB) and try installing it manually.

Causes and solutions for why Windows 10 updates fail every time

Causes and solutions for why Windows 10 updates fail every time

If you cannot update Windows 10 every time or it fails, the following solutions are possible.

  • Install manually
  • Run Windows Update in Safe Mode
  • Delete Windows Update temporary files

Install manually

If Windows 10 updates are not available or fail every time, identifying the part where the update failed and manually installing the KB file may solve the problem.

[How to manually install KB files]

  1. Make a note of the KB number of the failed update.
  2. Windows Update Catalogaccess.
  3. Select the Install button when it appears at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Enter the number you noted down in the search box at the top right of the Windows Update Catalog page.
  5. Select the appropriate program and select Add.
  6. Select "Download".
  7. Run the downloaded file.

Run Windows Update in Safe Mode

If Windows 10 updates fail or fail every time, running Windows Update in Safe Mode may resolve the issue.

[How to run Windows Update in safe mode]

  1. Select "Start (Windows mark)".
  2. Select "Power".
  3. Hold down the Shift key and select Restart.
  4. Select Troubleshoot when the options appear.
  5. Select Advanced Options.
  6. Select "Startup Settings".
  7. Select "Restart".
  8. Select "Enable Safe Mode with Networking". (F5 key)
  9. Windows will start in safe mode.
  10. Run Windows Update from Settings.

Delete Windows Update temporary files

If Windows Update temporary files are causing the update to fail, deleting the Windows Update temporary files may resolve the issue.

[How to delete Windows Update temporary files]

  1. Select "Start (Windows mark)".
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Select Storage.
  4. Select "Temporary Files".
  5. Select the appropriate file.
  6. Select "Delete File".

Causes and solutions for Windows 10 updates not progressing

If Windows 10 updates are slow to update, the following may be the cause:

  • If there are many updates
  • If you have problems with updates
  • If the network is unstable

If there are many updates

If you haven't updated for a while, there may be a lot of updates and it may be taking a while.

We recommend running updates when you are not using your PC.

If the update does not complete within a day, try other solutions.

If you have problems with updates

There may be a problem with the update program itself, preventing it from updating.

In this case, please wait for the hotfix to be released and try updating again.

If the network is unstable

If your network is unstable, there may be delays in the progress of the update.

You will need to check your internet devices and take measures to ensure a normal connection.

Please try disconnecting and reconnecting or restarting your PC or router, as this may improve the situation.

Causes and solutions for Windows Update errors and failure to update

If an error occurs with Windows Update or you are unable to update, the following may be the cause:

  • If you are having problems with Windows Update
  • If you are having problems with BITS
  • If past updates are affecting you

If you are having problems with Windows Update

If you are experiencing errors or are unable to update Windows Update, running the Windows Update troubleshooter may resolve the issue.

[How to troubleshoot Windows Update]

  1. Select "Start (Windows mark)".
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Select Update & Security.
  4. Select "Troubleshoot".
  5. Select "Additional troubleshooting tools".
  6. Select Windows Update.
  7. Select Run Troubleshooter.

If you are having problems with BITS

If you are experiencing errors or are unable to update Windows Update, running the BITS troubleshooter may resolve the issue.

[How to run the BITS troubleshooting tool]

  1. Select "Start (Windows mark)".
  2. Select "Windows System Tools".
  3. Select "Control Panel".
  4. Select "Troubleshooting Tools".
  5. Select "Show all".
  6. Select "Background Intelligent Transfer Service".
  7. Select Next.

If past updates are affecting you

Windows Update may not run properly if there were problems with past updates.

In this case, running a disk cleanup and removing unnecessary files may solve the problem.

[How to perform disk cleanup]

  1. Select "Start (Windows mark)".
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Select "System".
  4. Select Storage.
  5. Select "Temporary Files".
  6. Check "Clean up Windows Updates".
  7. Select "Delete File".

Causes and solutions for Windows Defender not updating

If Windows Defender cannot be updated, the following may be the cause:

  • In case of temporary system error
  • If you're having problems with Windows Update
  • If Windows Defender is disabled

In case of temporary system error

In some cases, a temporary system error may occur that prevents Windows Defender from updating.

In this case, you may be able to update Windows Defender by restarting your PC and running Windows Update.

If you're having problems with Windows Update

Windows Defender may not be able to be updated due to a problem with Windows Update.

In this case, it would be a good idea to refer to the previous items to resolve the Windows Update issue.

If Windows Defender is disabled

If Windows Defender cannot be updated, it may be disabled.

In this case, try enabling Windows Defender using the following steps.

[How to enable Windows Defender]

  1. Press the Windows key and the R key and type "gpedit.msc".
  2. Select "Local Group Policy".
  3. Select Computer Configuration.
  4. Select Administrative Templates.
  5. Select Windows Components.
  6. Select "Windows Defender".
  7. Select "Turn off Windows Defender" on the right.
  8. Select Edit Policy Settings.
  9. To enable it, check "Not configured" or "Disabled".
  10. Select OK.

Causes and solutions for “Unable to update Chrome” displayed

If the message "Chrome cannot be updated" is displayed every time you start the browser on your PC, the following may be the cause:

  • If the update process is paused
  • If something is wrong
  • If the OS is not compatible

If the update process is paused

If "Chrome cannot be updated" is displayed every time you start the browser on your PC, restarting your PC may complete the update.

Try turning off your PC and restarting it to see if Chrome is updated.

If something is wrong

If you see "Chrome can't update" every time you launch the browser on your PC, uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome may fix the problem.

[How to reinstall Chrome]

  1. Select "Start (Windows mark)".
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Select "Apps".
  4. Select "Google Chrome".
  5. Select "Uninstall".
  6. Google Chrome – Download Google's fast and secure browserDownload Chrome at.
  7. Run the downloaded file.
  8. Log in to Chrome.

If the OS is not compatible

If "Chrome cannot be updated" is displayed every time you start the browser on your PC, the problem may be resolved by updating to a compatible OS.

You can check the compatibility requirements here.

Chrome browser system requirements – Chrome Enterprise and Education Help

Summary of solutions when Windows 10 cannot be updated or updates fail

This time, we explained how to resolve the issue when Windows 10 cannot be updated or the update fails.

If Windows cannot be updated, the first thing to do is to restart your PC and check if any peripherals are affected.
Low free space is also one of the reasons why you cannot update, so try deleting unnecessary data and organizing it.

There are also cases where the driver version is outdated and cannot be updated.
We recommend starting with the easiest solutions and checking the causes one by one.

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