How to deal with water spilled on your computer, also explained when using a work computer

If you accidentally spill water or tea on your computer while you're at work, or your pet knocks over a glass of water, here's what to do first.

  1. First, turn off the power immediately
  2. Remove peripherals
  3. Remove moisture/dry
  4. After drying, take a backup when the power is turned on.

Even if you spilled water on it, it doesn't mean that there is no problem because it is working now, but you need to be careful because it may suddenly break down.

Additionally, if you spill juice, etc., the probability of malfunction increases depending on the ingredients, so we recommend that you turn off your computer and refer to the items below.

I spilled juice or tea on my laptop, is it okay?

If you spill water on your computer or it won't turn on

This article explains what to do if you spill water on your computer.

It also explains what happens when the power does not turn on.

  • First, turn off the power
  • Remove peripherals
  • Remove moisture/dry
  • After drying, take a backup when the power is turned on.
  • If the power does not turn on

First, turn off the power

If you spill water on your computer, first turn it off and unplug it.

If the power is on, there is a risk of a short circuit in the line.

If it is dry, it will be insulated by air, so short circuits will not occur, but if it gets wet, short circuits will occur easily.

Remove peripherals

After unplugging the power cord, remove any peripherals connected to your computer, such as your mouse or keyboard.

If it's a laptop, it's a good idea to remove the battery as well.

There is also a risk of short circuiting the battery, so be careful.

If the hard disk or SSD can be removed, remove it, wipe off any moisture, and check that there is no moisture on the connector.
If there is no water attached to this part, there is a high possibility that it will work, so it is a good idea to quickly back up using another PC.

Remove moisture/dry

After removing peripherals, remove any moisture from your computer and let it dry.

Wipe off any water droplets on the surface and, if necessary, dry the parts and peripherals.

If it's a laptop, it's a good idea to dry it by laying the keyboard face down on a towel.

However, drying with a hair dryer or refrigerator can cause problems, so let it dry normally for 2 to 3 days.

After drying, take a backup when the power is turned on.

Once your computer is completely dry and powered on, back it up.
This is because there are cases where a computer suddenly breaks down and becomes unusable after being used for a while.
This is caused by corrosion of parts due to moisture and sticking due to ingredients such as sugar.
Since you've spilled water on it, it's a good idea to consider the possibility that your computer may eventually stop working.

We recommend that you make a backup while the power is on to prepare for a sudden failure.

If the power does not turn on

If your computer won't turn on due to spilled water, follow the steps above and dry your computer first. (Do not turn on electricity before drying.)

If your computer does not turn on even after drying it, there may be a problem such as corrosion of parts, so we recommend contacting the manufacturer or vendor.

I spilled water on my computer, is it okay? What about small quantities?

The solution may vary depending on how you spilled water on your computer.

This section explains the following contents.

  • If water is spilled on the keyboard of a desktop computer
  • If you spill water on your laptop keyboard
  • Is it okay to spill a small amount of water on it?

If water is spilled on the keyboard of a desktop computer

When using a desktop computer, there are many cases where water is spilled on the keyboard.

If you spill water on your keyboard, remove it from your computer and let it dry.

However, depending on the spilled liquid, it may contain sugar and other substances, which may have a negative effect on the keyboard components.

For example, if the keyboard is sticky and difficult to type, or if the keyboard sticks and you end up typing the same characters a lot.

If your keyboard breaks down, it would be a good idea to replace it with a new one.

If you spill water on your laptop keyboard

If you spill water on your laptop keyboard, the water may seep into the laptop and cause problems.

In the case of a laptop computer, unlike the keyboard of a desktop computer, if you spill water on the keyboard, the contents of the computer will be exposed underneath. Water can get in there, making it even more dangerous for the computer itself.

Therefore, immediately turn off your laptop and then dry it on a towel with the keyboard facing down.

Is it okay to spill a small amount of water on it?

If even a small amount of moisture gets inside, it can cause a malfunction, so it is better to wipe off the wet area and dry it instead of leaving it as is.

There is no problem if water just splashes on the surface, but if water gets in through the gaps between the keyboard and other parts, be sure to turn off the power first. If the power is turned on, problems such as short circuits may occur.

Also, if water seeps into the motherboard, there is a possibility that the water will penetrate deep into the board, so even if it is a small amount of water, you should not be careless.

If you spilled water on your computer and it still works

I spilled water on my computer, but it still works, so it's okay! However, if you continue to use it, it may become impossible to start up.

  • If it moves immediately after spilling water
  • If it moves after drying

If it moves immediately after spilling water

Just because your computer starts working immediately after spilling water on it, if you leave it as it is, it may cause a malfunction.

Immediately turn off the power, remove cords and peripherals, and let them dry.

Being energized is dangerous, so it is important to turn off the power first.

However, if the computer is still powered on for a while after moisture gets inside, there is a high probability that it will malfunction due to short circuit, rust, or corrosion. In this case, your option is to give up on your computer and back it up while it's still on. The reason is that the probability that it can be used after drying is low.

If it moves after drying

If you spill water on your computer and let it dry, it starts working, then back up your data immediately.

Even if it is currently working, spilling water on it can cause parts to malfunction and cause it to suddenly break down, so you need to be careful.

How long should I dry my computer after submerging it in water?

If I spilled water on my computer or submerged it, how long should I let it dry?

Generally speaking, it is best to dry it for 2 to 3 days to completely remove the moisture inside.

It depends on how much the item is submerged in water, but it may be a good idea to dry it carefully. It seems that there are cases where they were left to dry for a week with a desiccant.

If you start your computer with moisture remaining, there is a high risk of malfunction.
I know it's inconvenient when your computer becomes unusable, but you won't be able to do anything if you panic and turn on the power before it's completely dry and it breaks down.

However, if you have spilled juice, etc., it is different, and it is not a good idea to leave it to dry. Please refer to the following items.

I spilled juice or tea on my laptop, is it okay?

If you spill tea or juice on your laptop, the ingredients may affect the base.

This article explains precautions and solutions if you spill juice or other liquid on your computer.

  • Precautions when spilling liquids containing sugar, salt, or acids such as juice
  • What to do if you spill a liquid containing sugar, salt, or acid, such as juice

Precautions when spilling liquids containing sugar, salt, or acids such as juice

If you spill water that contains sugar, salt, or acid, such as juice, please be aware that even if you dry it and fix it temporarily, there is a high possibility that it will break down after a few days or months.

Juice especially contains sugar, which can cause your keyboard to stick.

Therefore, it is not recommended to spill juice etc. on it and leave it to dry.

It is also important not to forcefully dry it with a hair dryer.

If you spill juice or other liquid on the product, we recommend that you turn off the power immediately and contact the manufacturer or repair company immediately if possible.

Even if a hard disk or SSD has a little moisture attached to it, it will probably work as long as there is no moisture attached to the connector. Wipe off the moisture and take a backup.

As a preventive measure, if you work near your computer with drinks that contain sugar such as juice or salt such as miso soup, it is a good idea to put a cover on your keyboard just in case.

What to do if you spill a liquid containing sugar, salt, or acid, such as juice

As mentioned earlier, it is not recommended to spill juice or other liquid on it and let it dry.

If possible, it would be a good idea to disassemble the computer and clean the parts as described below, but I think it would be difficult if you are not used to disassembling a computer, cleaning it, and then putting it back together. In such cases, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer or supplier immediately.

[How to clean when a liquid containing sugar, salt or acid is spilled]

  1. Purchase pure water (H2O) at a pharmacy.
  2. Remove any wet parts from your PC.
  3. Soak the removed parts in pure water for about a day. FurthermoreElectronic parts cleaning material (anhydrous ethanol)Soak for half a day.
  4. After step 3, remove moisture using air duster.
  5. Leave it for another day or so to dry.
  6. Install the parts and check operation.

What to do if you spill water on your work computer

If you spill water on your work computer, first turn it off, unplug it, and disconnect any peripherals.
Wipe off as much moisture as possible.

If it's a laptop, turn it over with the keyboard facing down and drain any moisture.

If you are using a company computer, it is best to immediately report it to your boss or the person in charge of systems.

Repair costs are often borne by the company.
Even if you try to hide the fact that water has been spilled on your device and report that it suddenly stopped working, it is likely that you will find out when you look inside when you send it in for repair.

Therefore, if you spill water on your work computer, the best thing to do is 1) turn it off anyway, and 2) report it honestly.

If I submerge my computer in water, will it be found out?

If you spill water on your computer or submerge it in water, it may corrode the board or cause a short circuit.
Based on these reasons, it may be discovered during repairs that the failure occurred due to water exposure.

If you spill water or submerge your device and it causes a problem, it is best to report it honestly.

Summary of solutions for when water is spilled on a computer, including explanations when using a company computer

This time, we explained how to deal with spilling water on your computer.

If you spill water on your computer, turn it off immediately.
If you leave the power on even if it's just a little bit, it is very dangerous as it may cause malfunction or electric shock.

Even if you turn on your computer after drying it, it's a good idea to back up your data in case it suddenly breaks down.

Also, if the power does not turn on, or if juice or miso soup is spilled on it, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer or contractor as soon as possible for repair.

If possible, it is safe to work on your computer so that water does not come into contact with it, or to put a cover on it, but if you do not take precautions and water spills on your computer, you should do everything you can to save your data. Let's do this.

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