




  • 地域密着型ならではのスピード感:地元に根ざしたサービスで、迅速な対応をお約束します。ご自宅やオフィスへの出張修理はもちろん、店舗への持ち込み修理も大歓迎です。
  • あらゆるトラブルに対応できるプロ集団:長年の経験と知識を持つ専門スタッフが、ソフトウェアの問題からハードウェアの故障まで、あらゆるトラブルを解決します。例えば、Windowsの起動エラー、MacOSのアップデートトラブル、データ復旧、液晶画面の交換、バッテリー交換など、どんなことでもご相談ください。
  • 修理費用は明朗会計:作業前に必ず詳細なお見積もりをご提示しますので、安心してご依頼いただけます。追加料金が発生する場合も、事前にご説明いたします。
  • データ復旧もおまかせください:誤って削除してしまったファイルや、故障したハードディスクからのデータ復旧も承ります。大切な写真や動画、仕事の資料など、諦めていたデータを取り戻せるかもしれません。
  • 修理後も安心のサポート:修理後も、パソコンの使い方に関する疑問やトラブルがあれば、お気軽にご相談ください。お客様が安心してパソコンを使えるよう、丁寧なサポートをいたします。


  • 電源が入らない、起動しない
  • 画面が真っ暗、何も映らない
  • 水をこぼしてしまった、雨に濡れてしまった
  • データが消えた、開けない、破損した
  • Wi-Fiに繋がらない、インターネットが遅い
  • 異音がする、焦げ臭いにおいがする
  • バッテリーがすぐなくなる、充電できない
  • キーボードが反応しない、一部のキーが効かない
  • 液晶画面が割れた、ヒビが入った
  • ウイルスに感染した、怪しい警告が出る
  • その他、パソコンに関するあらゆるトラブル


  1. inquiry:お電話、メール、WEBフォームから、お気軽にご連絡ください。24時間365日受付しております。
  2. 無料診断・お見積もり:専門スタッフが丁寧にお話を伺い、パソコンの状態を診断します。その後、詳細なお見積もりをご提示いたします。
  3. 修理開始:お見積もりにご納得いただければ、修理を開始いたします。修理にかかる時間や費用は、症状によって異なりますので、事前にご説明いたします。
  4. 修理完了・お渡し:修理が完了したら、動作確認を行い、問題がなければお客様にお渡しいたします。お支払いは、現金、クレジットカード、電子マネーなど、各種お支払い方法に対応しております。







If you are in a hurry, please click on the phone number below to call us. (For smartphone users)
0897-47-7772 09032224821

If you are using a smartphone, please use the button below to "add friends".

If you are using a computer, please scan the QR code below with your smartphone.


  • We will visit and accept your request as soon as possible. (As soon as it is available, even if it is not, it depends on the availability)
  • Almost 100% of data will be restored. (Excluding severe hard disk failure)
  • 最短で当日中にパソコンを修理いたします。(部品を使う場合でも約1週間以内)

Additionally, national chain repair companies tend to have higher prices.
We believe that you will be satisfied if you do some research and finally contact us.

 Email, or call(0897-47-7772)Please contact me in .
修理の基本料金は11,000円です。 部品の追加、交換がある場合はお客様に承諾を得て作業に取りかかります。

Past repair results of PC repair in Saijo City, etc.


HDD/SSD replacement environment set as is
After protecting the environment and data, we will replace the HDD/SSD and repair the system.
Disassembly, parts replacement/removal 6,600 yen + HDD copy work 11,000 yen + data restoration after copying 22,000 yen + parts fee (1TB HDD 8,800 yen) = 48,400 yen

This is a blog post where the work was carried out.
NEC ValueStar VW770/L PC-VW770LS6R overhaul, hard disk replacement


Virus check and memory added Basic fee 11,000 yen + additional memory 3,300 yen + memory fee 3,300 → total 17,600 yenMy virus software was expired, so I checked and removed the virus. We updated the OS (basic software), added memory, and were concerned about the sound of the hard disk, so we installed free hard disk monitoring software.


Latest DVD codec addition Basic fee 11,000 yen + software installation 3,300 yen = 14,400 yenI wasn't able to watch the latest DVDs, so I installed additional software.

Add network

Configure the network with PLC Basic fee 11,000 yen + network setting 8,800 yen + PLC 15,000 yen + → total 34,800 yenBecause the house is made of steel, wireless LAN cannot be used, so a network is configured using a PLC (device that configures a network using a power circuit).


Replace graphic board with new board Basic fee 11,000 yen + Graphic board 4,400 yen + Labor fee 3,300 yen → Total 18,700 yenThe display on the monitor was distorted and I couldn't see it after a while.Since it was a workstation, I prepared several graphics boards and visited. After replacing the graphics board, it started displaying normally.

Computer failure, hard disk removed

He said that his computer screen suddenly became invisible, and when he investigated, he found that the backlight of the LCD screen was out. Since the computer was old, they wanted to be able to remove the hard disk containing data and use it without having to repair it.

Take out the hard disk, put it in the hard disk case, and hand it over.
Basic fee 11,000 yen + hard disk case fee 3,300 yen + drive replacement 5,500 yen → total 19,800 yen

Price list for computer repair in Saijo City

In addition to the basic visit setting fee of 11,000 yen, we will charge the following work fees, replacement of parts, and additions if necessary.

Internet/network relatedInternet connection settings6,600 yen
Wireless LAN settings6,600 yen
Add connected device3,300 yen
Browser initial settings3,300 yen
Wireless LAN security settings6,600 yen
Line fault diagnosis fee5,500 yen
Email account settings3,300 yen
Email address acquisition agency3,300 yen
Home network construction fee19,800 yen
Add home network equipment3,300 yen
File sharing settings11,000 yen
Add file sharing device3,300 yen
Internet/email troubleshooting16,500 yen
Security relatedvirus removal8,800 yen
Data and settings protection options8,800 yen
Pop-up billing screen removed16,500 yen
Antivirus software installation5,500 yen
Virus + spyware search2,200 yen
Installed antivirus software settings1,100 yen
service pack installation15,400 yen
router firmware update5,500 yen
System/application relatedComputer unpacking and installation (desktop)6,480 yen
Computer unpacking and installation (notebook)3,300 yen
OS initial settings4,400 yen
User account addition settings1,100 yen
Application installation4,400 yen
Application uninstall4,400 yen
OS/application update2,200 yen
User registration agency2,200 yen
Recovery from a situation where the PC does not start properly14,300 yen
Data and settings protection options7,700 yen
OS installation/recovery work14,300 yen
Hard disk copy work (less than 320GB)13,200 yen
Large capacity hard disk option (320GB or more)6,600 yen
Data recovery after copying12,100 yen
Create recovery disc7,700 yen
Complete data erasure (on-site work)22,000 yen
Hard disk partition settings8,800 yen
System cleanup8,800 yen
Other system troubleshooting12,100 yen
Peripheral equipment relatedPeripheral device connection settings6,600 yen
Home printer settings6,600 yen
Unpacking and installation options2,200 yen
Commercial printer settings11,000 yen
Additional settings for print/scan functions12,100 yen
Special printer settings19,800 yen
TV tuner function settings5,500 yen
Recording settings for TV programs, etc.2,200 yen
Network attached storage (NAS) main unit settings15,400 yen
Setting up a connection to network attached storage (NAS)2,200 yen
Network camera connection settings15,400 yen
Hardware relatedHard disk case installation5,500 yen
motherboard replacement13,200 yen
Driver change work options8,800 yen
Memory installation/replacement3,300 yen
LCD panel/inverter replacement
*Parts fee not included
13,200 yen
Internal drive replacement
*Parts fee not included
5,500 yen
Power supply unit replacement
*Parts fee not included
5,500 yen
parts replacement
*Parts fee not included
5,500 yen
driver change3,300 yen
Removing parts3,300 yen
Installing parts3,300 yen
Hardware troubleshooting12,100 yen