Reasons why the computer screen is blank and only the cursor moves and what to do about it

White screen and cursor phenomenon: What is the situation?

Computer users are troubled when their computer screen suddenly turns white and only the cursor moves.

The main causes range from hardware and software issues to temporary problems caused by system updates.

Examples include poor display connections, overheating computers, and even temporary screen glitches during Windows updates.

Although this is a problem that causes problems for users, in most cases it can be resolved with appropriate countermeasures.

In conclusion, the white screen and only moving cursor on your computer can be caused by a variety of factors, but it is a problem that can be overcome with proper understanding and countermeasures.

This article explains the causes and solutions in detail, so I hope that you will be able to resolve the problem by reading it carefully.

6 major causes of a blank computer screen

There are six main reasons why your computer screen may turn white. These are due to various curing environments and software issues.

  • The first is a computer overheating, which is caused by insufficient cooling or hardware deterioration.
  • Second, the screen may turn white due to static electricity or other charges on the computer affecting the inside of the computer.
  • The third problem is a failure of the connection cable, especially a poor connection to the display.
  • The fourth issue is device driver issues, which are mainly caused by driver compatibility or lack of updates.
  • The fifth problem is hardware failure, especially graphics card problems.
  • The sixth problem is a problem during Windows Update.

These problems range from temporary to repair-required, but most can be resolved with the right measures.

If you understand the cause and take appropriate measures, you can overcome the white screen problem on your computer.

Cause 1: Malfunction due to thermal runaway

It is not uncommon for a computer to turn white due to overheating.

Computers generate heat by consuming electricity, and this heat can concentrate and cause overheating, especially when performing heavy processing or in an environment with insufficient ventilation.

Specifically, if you continue to perform high-load tasks such as playing games or editing videos for long periods of time, or if you use your laptop in a poorly ventilated place such as on a cloth, the risk of thermal runaway increases. As a result, your computer may shut down to protect itself, and the screen may go blank as part of this.

Thermal runaway is one of the causes of a computer screen turning white, but it can be prevented by improving the work environment and taking regular breaks.

Cause 2: Charged computer

Charged electricity on the computer itself is also one of the reasons why the screen turns white.

Normally, the main body of a computer may become charged due to static electricity or excessive current.

For example, static electricity is more likely to occur when you work on a carpet or operate a computer in a dry environment.

Also, if the power cord is deteriorated or you are using an outlet that does not meet the power specifications, excessive current may flow and the computer may become charged.

These situations can be a warning signal that some piece of hardware isn't working properly and could result in a blank screen.

However, these problems can be overcome by taking appropriate measures.

Charges on your computer can be avoided with proper management and care, and it is possible to prevent the problem of a blank screen from occurring.

Cause 3: Connection cable failure

The phenomenon of a blank computer screen is often caused by a faulty connection cable.

The cause is that if the cable connecting the monitor and computer is disconnected or damaged, signal transmission will be inhibited and normal images will not be displayed.

Possible causes include wear due to frequent plugging and unplugging of the cable, or internal breakage due to excessive bending of the cable.

When these situations occur, the correct video signal may not reach the monitor, resulting in a blank screen.

However, these problems can be prevented by regular cable inspection and proper cable handling.

Cable failure is one of the causes of blank computer screen problems, but it can be prevented with proper management.

Cause 4: Device driver issue

Device driver issues are also one of the causes of a blank computer screen.

Device drivers are software that is necessary for your hardware and operating system to communicate properly.

Specifically, older or incompatible graphics card drivers can cause screen display issues.

Additionally, similar problems can occur if the driver is corrupted or incorrectly installed.

These issues can be resolved by updating or reinstalling the driver.

Device driver issues are one cause of a blank computer screen, but they can be avoided with proper software management.

Cause 5: Hardware malfunction

Some phenomena that cause a computer screen to turn white may be caused by a hardware malfunction.

Specifically, malfunctions or deterioration of hardware such as graphics cards, memory, and motherboards can affect screen display.

For example, if your graphics card is aging and has degraded performance, or if there are memory problems, it may not be able to process images properly, resulting in a blank screen. A malfunctioning motherboard can also affect the screen display.

However, these issues can be remedied through hardware replacement or upgrades.

Malfunctioning hardware is one of the causes of a blank screen, but it is a problem that can be resolved with proper maintenance and upgrades.

Cause 6: Problems during Windows Update

A problem may occur during Windows Update and the computer screen may turn white.

Windows Update is an important process that adds new features, strengthens security, and fixes bugs, but there are also updates that can cause system issues.

Specifically, if a new update creates compatibility issues with existing software or hardware, or if an error occurs during the update process, your computer may behave unexpectedly.

This includes situations where the screen becomes blank. However, reverting to a previous version or waiting for a new update with a fix often resolves the issue.

Windows Update can sometimes cause your computer screen to turn white, but this is also a problem that can be resolved with the right steps.

Escape from a blank screen: 10 concrete ways to deal with it

There are many ways to deal with a blank computer screen.

These remedies are designed to address a variety of causes.

The first and simplest method is to restart your computer. This may resolve temporary software issues.

Additionally, it may be helpful to check if the connected cables are working properly and try unplugging any external devices. These remedies will help you identify hardware issues.

You should also perform internal cleaning and virus scanning. These are measures to resolve problems caused by thermal runaway and malware.

Additionally, checking your system settings, updating drivers, and starting your computer in safe mode are also effective remedies. These are ways to identify and fix software problems.

Finally, you can also attempt a system restore to address serious problems. With these solutions, you can solve the white screen problem on your computer and regain a comfortable computer life.

Solution 1: Attempt to restart the desktop screen

When your computer screen turns white, one of the first things you should try is to restart the desktop screen.

This is because if the problem is caused by a temporary software problem or excessive processing, it can often be resolved by restarting the computer.

For example, suppose one day the screen suddenly turns white and only the cursor is visible. In this situation, try turning off your computer and turning it on again. If the problem is temporary, your normal desktop screen should reappear.

When your computer screen turns white, the first thing you should try is restarting your desktop screen. This is likely to be the quickest and most effective solution.

Solution 2: Forced shutdown and restart

One way to deal with a blank screen is to force a shutdown and restart.

This is a good option if your computer freezes due to an OS or software error, and this approach can help resolve temporary issues.

Let me give you an example. One day, while you are creating important documents, the screen suddenly turns white and only the cursor moves. No matter what I try, the screen won't return. In such cases, an effective method is to press and hold the power button on your computer to force it to turn off and then turn it on again. A temporary system error or software issue may be resolved and your screen may return to normal.

If the screen suddenly turns white, the first thing you should try is a forced shutdown and restart. This is one of the effective measures.

Solution 3: Troubleshooting by discharge treatment

Troubleshooting using electrical discharge treatment may be effective for troubleshooting problems where the computer screen becomes completely white.

This is because static electricity accumulated inside electronic devices can cause malfunctions.

Specifically, after shutting down your computer, unplug the AC adapter and remove the battery. Afterwards, pressing and holding the power button for several tens of seconds will discharge the electricity built up inside and may temporarily resolve the issue.

If your computer screen suddenly turns white, you may want to try troubleshooting using discharge processing. This measure is especially effective if your computer may be charged with electricity.

Solution 4: Temporarily remove peripherals

Temporarily removing peripheral devices is one of the effective solutions when your computer screen turns white.

The reason is that some peripherals may not be able to communicate properly with the system, causing unexpected errors.

Specifically, you will need to unplug your mouse, keyboard, external display, USB devices, etc., and then reconnect them one by one. This may help pinpoint the specific equipment that is causing the problem.

Temporarily removing peripherals is a useful technique for diagnosing hardware problems that may be causing complex system errors.

Solution 5: Clean the inside of your computer

Cleaning the inside of your computer can be an effective solution to the problem of a blank screen.

The reason is that excessive dust and dirt can impede cooling and eventually cause the equipment to overheat.

For example, it is recommended that you regularly clean the inside of your computer with a special air duster or brush to optimize the performance of cooling components such as fans and heat sinks. This allows you to maintain your computer's performance and minimize the risk of unexpected errors and troubles.

Proper cleaning of the inside of your computer plays an important role in preventing problems from occurring.

Solution 6: Boot the system in safe mode

Starting the system in safe mode is an effective way to resolve the white screen problem on your computer.

The reason is that Safe Mode starts with only the minimum functionality of the OS, eliminating the influence of software and drivers that may cause trouble.

Specifically, open Settings from the Windows Start menu, select Advanced Startup from Recovery under Update and Security, and then select Safe Mode from Troubleshoot after restarting. This workaround will help you avoid temporary problems and help you recover your system. In conclusion, booting in safe mode can be an effective way to deal with white screen problems.

How to start Windows 11 in safe mode

  • Hold down the Shift key and click "Restart"
  • When the blue screen appears, click "Troubleshoot"
  • Click "Advanced options"
  • Click "Startup Settings"
  • Click "Restart"
  • [4] Press the key
  • safe modeThe computer starts up with

Solution 7: Run a virus scan

Executing a virus scan is one of the measures that can help you escape from the white screen problem.

This is because viruses and malware can prevent your system from working properly and cause a white screen to appear.

Specifically, scan your entire computer using reliable antivirus software. If potential threats are detected, the software automatically quarantines or removes them and restores system health.

Also, if the screen is blank and you cannot scan for viruses, remove the HDD or SSD, put it in an external HDD case, connect it to another computer, and scan for viruses.

Running a virus scan is an important way to deal with problems that cause your computer to display a blank screen.

Solution 8: Reset BIOS

Resetting the BIOS is an important solution when your computer becomes a blank screen.

This step is useful if there is an issue with your hardware or OS configuration that may cause your system to not boot properly.

To reset the BIOS, restart your computer and press the designated key (often F2, F10, Delete, etc.) to access the BIOS settings screen.

Next, look for an option like “Load Defaults” or “Reset BIOS” and select it to reset the BIOS.

Resetting the BIOS is a powerful way to troubleshoot system problems and is an effective solution when your computer screen turns white.

Solution 9: Attempt a system restore

System restore is one of the powerful solutions when the screen turns white.

This is especially useful when system or application changes may have caused the problem.

To restore your system, select "System Tools" from the Windows "Start" menu, then select "System Restore."

Then select a point in time when your system was working properly and perform a restore.

However, consider this method only as a last resort and do not forget to back up important data.

System restore is one of the effective measures when the screen becomes blank.

Solution 10: Ask an expert

If you have tried all the solutions and your computer screen is still blank, the final solution may be to contact a professional.

This is especially useful if the technical issue is severe or you are unable to handle it yourself.

For example, you can contact your local computer repair shop or contact the manufacturer's support to ensure that the appropriate repair or action is taken.

Although this method can be expensive, it is an important option to protect your important data or get your computer working properly again.

If it is difficult to deal with the problem on your own, hiring a professional technician is an effective method.

How to restore data after the computer screen turns white

When your computer screen turns white, the biggest worry is data loss. However, with proper measures, lost data can be recovered. This is because there are various data recovery softwares that can help you get back information that you thought was lost.

A specific example is using data recovery software such as EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard or Recuva. These software can locate and recover lost data from disks. However, if the data has been overwritten, it may be difficult to restore it, so be careful.

In conclusion, it is important to understand that even when your computer screen turns blank, you still have the possibility to get back your lost data by using the right data recovery software.

Computer screen is completely white with only a cursor: Summary of the phenomenon and countermeasures

The phenomenon of a computer screen turning completely white with only a cursor visible is a source of confusion for many users. However, it is generally caused by a software or hardware issue and can be resolved with appropriate measures.

The main reasons for this phenomenon are display driver issues, system glitches, or malware infections. For example, if the display driver is not up to date, the screen may not display properly. Therefore, it is a good idea to try updating the driver from Device Manager. Additionally, if you suspect that your computer is infected with malware, it may be helpful to start your computer in safe mode and scan for viruses.

It is important to recognize that even if the computer screen is blank and only the cursor is displayed, there is a high possibility that the problem will be resolved by identifying the cause and taking appropriate measures.

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